Blue Button is a really simple still very strong initiative taken by government to empower patients to get access to their personal health data.
There are two scenarios
a) You are data holder.
In this scenario, you have to enable patients to access the data. What you primarily do is structure the data in CCDA format, transmit the data using DIRECT protocol to patients
b) You are third party who can accept the data
In this scenario, you are enabling patients to upload their data into your system. Here you parse the data which is in CCDA format, receive data using DIRECT protocol.
In both scenarios you need to have mechanism to transmit data securely using PPK infrastructure and Digital certificates. THOUGHTi has strong hold in CCDA generation and CCDA parsing using its proprietary product which consists of Data Validation and Data Adapters. Also THOUGHTi has developed platform to support DIRECT protocol. This combination gives THOUGHTi partners a very quick and efficient way to adopt blue button initiative for their users.