The People Who Know MEDITECH
No matter the size or difficulty of your MEDITECH project, our consulting team understand the fine points of your needs. Thanks to our extensive experience with the solution, we have an in-depth understanding of both the new and the legacy architectures of MEDITECH. We fully understand the issues involved with integration versus interfacing and we know how to apply MEDITECH to the unique needs of each healthcare system.
In any implementation, it’s critically important that the IT professionals on the front lines are thoroughly experienced in MEDITECH solutions. At THOUGHTi, our consultants understand the complex nature of MEDITECH planning, implementation, optimization and legacy support. We’ve worked diligently to identify the traits of a successful MEDITECH, LSS, and NPR professionals. Using our unique networking and advanced strategies, we have the ability to deliver precisely qualified experts with track records of delivering builds, training and support of the highest quality.
MEDITECH offers one of the few fully integrated solutions, incorporating everything from admissions through discharge, inpatient and ambulatory. Our people have an unsurpassed, in-depth understanding of all project needs.
Our MEDITECH consultants have a wealth of experience with todayís leading MEDITECH software modules, including:
Financial Applications
Administrative Applications
Operational and Decision Support Applications
Continuing-Care Applications
Clinical Applications